zaterdag 15 april 2017

A regular Saturday morning

Fortunately Saturdays are less unpredictable, less rush, less man-made 'emergencies'. It can easily happen though, that you need to operate the fuel station immediately after your pancake-Italian coffee breakfast (don't feel sorry for me;) because circumstances did not allow the drivers and guards to refuel vehicles and generators on Friday, just before the weekend. This time Easter was the cause, with Good Friday as public holiday.

Normally we use a regular fuel hose with proper flow rate to do the job quickly. As we had to prepare for maintenance to our steel fuel tank (small leakage on the discharge pipe) we emptied our tank completely. During the maintenance-period we are relying on a buffer tank and 20L jerrycans to do the weekly refueling process: today just over 580L, so 29 'yellow rubbers' only...

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